Últimas Notícias:

Air Belgium vai operar com Boeing B747F

A Air Belgium deverá iniciar em 2022 operações com equipamento Boeing 747-8.

As notícias surgem depois da companhia abrir vagas para pilotos na Rede Linkedin.

Além dos voos regulares de passageiros, a Air Belgium opera voos em ACMI, cargueiros e charter. Actualmente a companhia opera com dois A330-900 e dois A340-300.

A Air Belgium também opera quatro aeronaves Airbus A330F para a CMA CGM.

Os interessados poderão candidatar-se:

Air Belgium is starting up operations on B747-8 Freighters beginning of next year and are looking for flight crew members meeting the below criteria:

  • Hold a valid EASA license and medical.
  • Have the right to work and live in Belgium.
  • Have all required vaccinations including COVID-19 vaccination.




  • You’re type rated and current on B747-400 or B747-8 and have at least 5000hrs total time.
  • You have been type rated on B747-400 or 747-8 within the last 3 years and have at least 5000hrs total time (type rating has lapsed).
  • You’re currently holding a B777/B787 or rating with 1500hrs on type and 5000hrs total.
  • You’re currently holding a B737NG rating with 3000 PIC and 6 hours total time.
  • A TRI/TRE rating on any of the above mentioned Boeing ratings is an advantage.


  • You’re type rated B747-400 or B747-8 and have at least 2000hrs total time.
  • You have been type rated on B747-400 or 747-8 within the last 3 years and have at least 2000hrs total time (type rating has lapsed).
  • You’re currently holding a B777/B787 or rating with 1500hrs on type and 2000hrs total.
  • You’re currently holding a B737NG rating with 2000hrs on type.


Please note that the above mentioned ratings must be present or were endorsed on your EASA license.